Because Only Together We Can

Across the NATION, We Are United in Our Dedication to serve

Who We Are

 Rein India Foundation aims to bring a sustainable social change in a society.

Vaishali Rajarathinam is a MSW graduate and currently sparehading Rein India foundation. During her initial days she worked as a volunteer with some of the NGO s in Bangalore.  

During her frequent visits of Bosco Mane she could understand about the need of Health and hygiene issues about young girls. During her government school visits she used to talk with school coordinators and teachers, where she could find out some interesting facts about menstruation. Thus a journey started of “Menstrual Talk” an initiative of Rein India foundation. 

Vaishali Rajarathinam - REININDIA Foundation trust

Our Approach

Our step towards a better society

Rein India Foundation majorly targets to handle the issues of adolescent girls. Menstruation cycle is a symbol of healthy girlhood. We primarily focus on one to one session with school girls about menstrual hygiene awareness. We discuss freely with girls about this magical natural process. The final outcomes is awesome as girls need someone to share their thoughts and ideas about less spoken topic of periods.

Rein India Foundation is also bringing the people with disabilities under one roof and providing them an opportunity to show up their skills. Under our project “Wings of Desire” we are working with some disable people who lost an employment due to certain reasons. Considering their inability to travel we are providing them an opportunity to work from their home. 

POSH (prevention of sexual harrassment against women at working places ) is Government framed low to protect a dignity and self respect for every working woman. Rein India conducting awareness session about POSH in schools colleges educational institutions as well as inside residential apartments to avoid unwanted incidents about harassment.


— Our Mission

Rein India Foundation looks forward to conduct more and more awareness sessions in schools and colleges regarding menstrual health and build a business model which can provide more and more opportunities for economical upliftment of disabled people.


— Our Vision

Rein India Foundation aims to bring a sustainable change in menstrual health of adolescent girls and economical upliftment for disabled ladies.


— Our Story

During Vaishali’s frequent visits of Bosco Mane she could understand about the need of Health and hygiene issues about young girls. During her government school visits she used to talk with school coordinators and teachers, where she could find out some interesting facts about menstruation.Thus a journey started of “Menstrual Talk” an initiative of Rein India foundation.

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