Because Only Together We Can


Who We Are

 Rein India Foundation aims to bring a sustainable social change in a society.

Vaishali Rajarathinam is a MSW graduate and currently sparehading Rein India foundation. During her initial days she worked as a volunteer with some of the NGO s in Bangalore.  

During her frequent visits of Bosco Mane she could understand about the need of Health and hygiene issues about young girls. During her government school visits she used to talk with school coordinators and teachers, where she could find out some interesting facts about menstruation. Thus a journey started of “Menstrual Talk” an initiative of Rein India foundation. During her tenure of last two years she visited many school teachers and Girl students of government aided schools. She could realize a need of awareness and a freedom of expression can create a sustainable change in menstruation Cycles of school girls.

Vaishali Rajarathinam - REININDIA Foundation trust

What We Do


Rein India Foundation is bringing the people with disabilities under one roof and providing them an opportunity to show up their skills. We are trying to provide employment to needy and disabled ladies and create a sustainable social business model which can changes many lives at a time.


Nearly 60% of girls do not have prior knowledge about menstruation during adolescene. We conduct awareness sessions on Menstrual health with adolescence school going girls. We motivate girls to use cotton pads instead of disposable sanitary pads contains harmful chemicals.


By adhering to all safety and hygiene measures, Rein India Foundation has begun its relief service by providing meal or packed grocery kits to the marginalised and low-income segment of the society comprising of daily wage workers, migrant laborers, construction site workers, and needy people at old age home and night shelter.

Impact Stories


It was the year 2018 when we meet our artistic lady Mrs. Lakshmi during some art exhibitions. Lakshmi kept some terracotta Diya’s for sell; for our surprise, those diyas were beautifully colored by Lakshmi. Later while working with her we came to know about her health issues.

Lakshmi was working hard to meet both ends despite certain body conditions. She was suffering from Menorrhagia, a severe blood loss during periods. Due to poor economic conditions, she was not able to afford the cost for
the operation which was suggested by some doctors.


It was an afternoon of a crispy winter. We were about to wind up our menstruation session in one of the government schools. Most of the girls went back to their respective classes, but one Hindi speaking girl was moving around me with some doubts on her face. I initiated the conversation and there came a doubt. “Madam periods ke time ladkon ko hath lagane se hum pregnant hote hai kya??” I laughed and replied to her “No not”!!! and explained a pregnancy for her.

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